Annoying things you should never do in Facebook

1. Comment on your own status updates.

2. LOL
 "What I am saying is supposed to be funny, but since it's not, here's an LOL to make sure you know I'm trying to be funny." kuang kuang kuang~

3. Buat semua kuiz yang ade & main games semua yang ade, lepas tu sibuk invite semua orang join.

4. Add + approve orang yang tak kenal tanpa ade motipp... kalau tujuan bisnes or watsoever tu tak pe la..

5. Who change their relationship statuses every other week

6. Who are in a relationship with their BFF...

7. Start tribute fanpages for dead people.

8. Setup Facebook Accounts For Your 1-Year-Old Kid, Or Worse, Your Dog!


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