Kanak-kanak umur 2 tahun ke bawah tak boleh tengok TV?

Semalam ade terbaca kat fanpage Wardina, dia cakap ade kajian menunjukkan tak bagus untuk budak2 bawah 2 tahun tengok tv.. erkkk biar betik? before ni ramai yang ingat tengok tv tu bagus untuk tumbesaran otak bebudak kan? kununnye otak baby tu akan berkembang bila tengok kaler, benda gerak2 dsb... =p
Dalam kepala cume jangan tengok tv dekat-dekat, nanti mata kero rabun. kan kan? hehe..

klik untuk tumbesaran gambar.haha

 Ni aku copy sket dari website :

"Do not let children watch TV before they reach the age of two years. Therefore, it can damage the development of language and their ability to concentrate.

This is a recommendation of the Australian Government and will be released next week. The recommendation also states that children aged between two and five years should not watch television for more than an hour each day.
The recommendation was aimed at child care centers and also advice for parents. The draft obtained by The Australian recommendation is intended to curb the spread of the epidemic of obesity is increasingly prevalent among Australian children.
“Based on the latest research, it is recommended children under two years to not spend time watching television or using electronic media (DVDs, computers, and electronic games),” writes a copy of the draft recommendation, which was quoted by The Australian."

Tapi kan, ramai jugak yang pandai/bijak walaupun parents dorg kasik tengok tv masa kecik.. hehe.. Nilaikan sendiri la ye, nak bagi tengok tv boleh, tapi kurangkan waktu or terhadkan benda yang di tengok tu ..


shafmechy said...

yup..yang penting pendedahan awal..maknaya sebelum masuk tadika lg kita dh ajar ABC, 1+1=2..adik sy ok ja..huhu

Unknown said...

serius ni baru aje masuk dalam final exam eyfa semalam :((

kenapa ta buat semalam? kalau tak mesti kite leh jawab exam semalam dengan jayanyaaa.. uwaaaaa :(((

Unknown said...

pengaruh tv bahaya jugak ada kanak2 terjun banggunan sebab selalu tenggok citer superman
ni citer betul,,,ada berlaku,,..jalan2 follow ini belog

r.i.n.a said...

tapi bosan pulak kalau xtgk tv kan..xkan nak kurung anak dlm bilik smntara mak bpk tgk cite best kat tv?harhar

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